Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The PhD programme is designed to provide candidates an opportunity to enhance their mastery of historical scholarship, perfect their knowledge of research, methods, theories and the writing, and understanding of history. It is equally designed to enable them specialize in various fields of history such as Cameron history, African, political, economic and social history; social and political history; American history and Asian History. Employment Opportunities Candidates with a PhD degree can find employment in museums, archives, libraries, diplomatic missions, research centres and educational establishments

Duration: 3 years

Cost: 50000 XAF

For admission into the PhD programme, applicants must hold an MA degree in history from The University of Bamenda and any other recognized University. Candidates who do not fulfil the above requirements but who are accepted by the Post Graduate School of the university may be required to comply with the conditions in part one of the MA degree in history in The University of Bamenda. A working knowledge of French, German and Arabic would be an advantage. Three letters of recommendation from at least two academic referees are required.